The Independence Village
Fashion Show
"Hooray for Hollywood"
Join us May 3, 2024 from 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM at the South Shore Harbor Resort's Crystal Ballroom for The Independence Village's "Hooray for Hollywood" Fashion Show & Luncheon!!!
Experience the excitement of attending the luncheon as residents and guests walk the runway in today's trendiest fashions provided by Melinda's Boutique and Addison Layne Boutique. You will also get the chance to bid on silent auction items and purchase items from Melinda's Boutique.
For those with dietary restrictions, please let The Village know by April 22nd.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Academy Award - $5,000
You and your guests will enjoy two (2) premium runway tables of 10, one drink ticket per guest, wine on the tables, a full page ad in the program, 6ft table at the event with your company representative and/or marketing materials and sign, company logo on slide show, verbal recognition, logo on all marketing materials for event, recognition in all print media and social media, press release and picture to be submitted to Galveston Daily News.
Golden Globe - $2,500
Runway table of 10, one drink ticket per guest, wine at the table, company logo on slide show, signage and verbal recognition at event, a half-page ad in the program, logo on all marketing materials for event, recognition in all print media and social media.
Emmy - $1,500
Runway table of 10 at the fashion show, company logo on slide show, business card size ad in the program, logo on all marketing materials for event, recognition at event and in all print media and social media.
People's Choice - $1,000
Runway table of 10, listed in program and social media posts.