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Birthday and Bingo with our Ashland Friends

A big shout out to our Ashland Chemical friends Nancy and Sabrina for helping us to celebrate Justin's Birthday with cupcakes and bingo. Our residents broke out in song and had a fun afternoon playing bingo. We love when our Ashland Chemical friends visit.



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The Independence Village is an assisted living facility for residents with intellectual disabilities. Providing independent living and promoting community involvement.


A long-term care ombudsman helps residents of a nursing facility and residents of an assisted living facility resolve complaints.  Help provided by an ombudsman is confidential and free of charge.  To speak with an ombudsman, a person may call the toll-free number


905 Hwy 3 North | Texas City, TX. 77591

409-935-4335  | 409-935-4153 (Fax)

© Independence Village

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