Help us wish Charlotte a very Happy Birthday. She has made The Independence Village her home for the last 10 years. She became a Girl Scout this year with her Investiture Ceremony and sold Girl Scout Cookies for the first time. She and her daughter were featured in our Mad Hatter Fashion Show. She's had awesome Girl Scout adventures with our Independence Village Girl Scout Troop and has had a full year of fun and friendship as she lives her best life with her iVillage family.
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#Birthday #birthdaygirl #birthday2022 #Girlscouts #Girlscoutsofamerica #Girlscoutstrong #girlscout #Girlscoutsusa #girlscoutsrock #Troop137074 #independencevillage #nonprofit #nonprofitlife #nonprofitorganization #mentaldisabilities #physicaldisabilities #disabilitycare #intellectualdisabilities #assistedliving #healthcare #independentliving #caregiving #caregivers #homehealthcare #healthyliving #personalcare #disabilitylongtermcare #caregiversupport #family #homehealth #homecare #assistedlivingfacility #longtermcare #AssistedLivingCommunity #specialneeds #independencevillage #hravillage #theindependencevillage #galvestoncounty #texascity #ivillagetxcity #ivillagetx #ivillagetexas #instagood #LifetimeWellness #bhfyp