Happy Birthday Lucy
Help us wish Lucy a Happy Birthday! This amazing dancing queen has made The Independence Village her home for the last 23 years.

Happy Anniversary Lucy
Help us wish Lucy Happy Anniversary. She has made The Independence Village her home for the last 22 years.

Faithful Friends Visit The Independence Village
Our residents had such a good time when Faithful Friends Animal-Assisted Therapy visited The Independence Village.

The Misfits Band Rocks The Independence Village
The residents at The Independence Village had such a great time rocking it out to the sound of the newly named Misfits Band.

The Library Lady Visits The Independence Village
Our residents have a great time and love it when the Library Lady visits from Moore Memorial Public Library in Texas City

Labor Day at The Independence Village
Our residents had a good time on Monday Celebrating Labor Day with a fun Labor Day lunch and ice cream.

Thank you Marathon Pipeline Company
Help us thank Craig Miller and Derrick Rankin from Marathon Pipeline Company who brought a generous grant for The Independence Village this

The residents had a fun morning of playing their favorite game BINGO and Blackout BINGO!!!

Girl Scouts Life Skills Badge Supplies Needed
Please consider helping us with supplies for their next Life Skills merit badge.

Therapy Doodles Come To Visit
Our residents love - love - love making new friends, especially if they have paws.

Charlotte and Donna 10 Year Anniversary
It's Charlotte and Donna's 10th Anniversary at The Independence Village.

Furry Friends bring the love
The residents love it when the wonderful group Faithful Friends visit The Independence Village.

Bingo with COMPeers
Thank you to COMPeers, employees of College of the Mainland for bringing the fun to the residents of The Independence Village.